Wednesday 20 November 2019

Farmland tales - The Passion Fruit House

Nov -week 3 :Tiny Farm Large Life gets a passion fruit house 

Or I should say almost. This weekend I visited the farm after a gasp of two whole weeks. The rain and my work travel had made it really difficult to make it to the farm.

A couple of weeks back I had planted passion fruit plants. At that time I had only given those tiny plants temporary support. But passion fruit plants can grow 5-8 feet and a good support. So instead of regular trellis I decided on making a cozy Passion fruit shed.

We bought some wood from the wood seller close to the farm and got my husband to start working on the structure. This is what we ended up making

Someday hopefully once the Passion fruit creepers have gown and cover the entire structure it would be a prettier site. Until then .... it’s a big dream on our tiny farm. 

So while my husband was digging and tying the wooden pieces to get the structure into place I went about my rock collection. Unfortunately we have a lot of rocks on our tiny farm but I am trying to make full use of them. So started of making my little pathway. 

It’s not anywhere even close to done ... infact just started off now. But hopefully as we go along,  my pathways will get some more structure. This weekend our guava plant also surprised us with beautiful white blossoms. Though I know it’s too early for the plant to bloom.... I just couldn’t help feeling happy. Maybe next week when I come back here I’ll pluck the flowers and let the plant spend its energy on growing rather than blossoming so early. But for today it stays.

Another surprise was this weed I found growing . I don’t know it’s name but it was beautiful 

If anyone knows it’s name please do let me know . 

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