Monday 14 October 2019

Country Egg Burger Sandwich

Country Egg Burger Sandwich 

Country hen eggs are one of the most nutritious sources of eggs. The hens, in this case, are allowed to run around free on the farms and are not fed hybrid grains to quicken the egg-laying process. 
In other words, their egg-laying process is natural and these are not cultivated eggs. Country eggs have six times the Omega-3s of regular eggs. While that is yet to be proved the favour and smell of country eggs is really distinct. They are brown and generally smaller in size than cultivated eggs and their shells are much stronger too. 

desi eggs , country eggs, organic eggs , recipe

Quick Country Egg (Desi Egg) Sandwich

Total Time: 5 Min 

Yumminess Value: Awesome 

Ingredients Needed 
2 country eggs (Desi eggs)
1 burger bun
2 teaspoons of mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon of mustard sauce  
1 Lettuce leaf  for crunch
1 Cheese slice 
Pinch of Oregano
Pinch of Basil 
Pinch of chilli flakes (if you'd like to make it hot)
Salt to taste if needed  
Butter for frying the eggs 

Take a small dollop of butter in a pan and heat it on fire. Now break the eggs and fry them to your taste - double or single fry. 
Slice the burger bun from the centre. Apply the mayonnaise to inner one side of one half of the bun and the mustard to the inner side of the other half of the bun. 
Now we start layering. Take the lower half of the bun and add the fried egg to it. Next sprinkle the Oregano, Basil, Chilli flakes and salt( if needed).
Add a fresh Lettuce leaf for getting in some crunch and finally add the slice of cheese. 
Cover our yummy tower with the other half of the bun and microwave for 10-20 sec to just get the cheese to soften a bit. 

Voila, our quick country egg burger sandwich is ready. 

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