Friday 24 April 2020

Baked Stuffed Chicken Summer Squash - Farm Fresh Recipes

Baked Stuffed Chicken Summer Squash

If fun when you can get some fresh organic stuff from the farm and turn it into something amazing. Here one of my favorites from our Tiny Farm Large Life 

1 Round squash,
1/4 Red bell pepper 
2 tbs corn kernels
1/4 Cup boiled shredded chicken
1/2 Tomato 
1/2 Cup cooked rice 
1/4 Cup cheddar cheese
I tbs Butter 
1/2 tsp Powdered garlic 
2-3 Crushed fresh basil leaves
Olive oil

Feeds: 1 Squash per person


Outer Shell
Cut the top of the squash in such a way that it forms a cap for the squash. Scoop out the seeds from inside leaving the fleshy sides. Now brush the inside and outside of the summer squash with olive oil and sprinkle some salt on it. Set this aside to bake at 250 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Mix all the remaining ingredients, which include cooked rice, finely chopped bell pepper, chicken, corn kernels, tomato, and cheese. Add the garlic powder, fresh basil leaves, and salt to taste and mix well.
Stuff all into the other shell cover with the cap and continue to bake for another 30 minutes at 250 degrees.

Yum baked stuffed summer squash is ready

Baked Summer Squash Recipe

Sunday 5 April 2020

FarmLand Tales - The Next Big Step

Planting The Saplings - Tiny farm Large Life

Plans !!!! why do I ever make them? I had planted a lot of seeds as I had PLANNED on finishing my #nodigbeds and bought some seedlings from the nearby farmer's nursery too. AND then what happens ?? #CORONAVIRUS. No thankful I am still and so is my family but the world around is falling apart.

And everything is on a #lockdown. No movement, #stayhome and stay #quarantined.

We had thankfully managed to plant the chrysanthemum seedlings, a whole row of egg-plant seedlings, a few peppers, and squash seedlings before things froze. As we stay in the city, due to our regular jobs we weren't able to go back to the farm as we do every weekend.

Three weeks ago we got 2000 saplings of chrysanthemums and about 600 cuttings of roses. Along with that 100 seedlings each of peppers, tomatoes and eggplants.

We prepared the beds for chrysanthemums with #neemcakes and #bonemeal. Then got out the drip irrigation pipes laid before covering them with plastic mulching sheets. I bought the mulching sheets online via .  The ones I picked up were 4 feet wide and about 25 micron. Next time I do want to try out a more eco-friendly option and would like to try using straw instead. While plastic mulching is quick and easy I am a bit uncomfortable with all that plastic. But as I want to conserve water and reduce the growth of weeds, mulching is a must.

It took us a whole day and three sets of hands to complete the transplanting of chrysanthemums. By the end of a long hot, and tiring day we got the job finished. So YAY!! For both my husband and me all this is new :)

But we were happy.

The next weekend we started on to get the #roses and food plants into the ground. Made this small video covering the events.